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We have a thing for words


We love the way that words can inspire. We love the challenge of their endless possibilities and potential for perfection. We even adore the rules that make words work.

Our dedicated editorial team of seasoned educators, writers, editors, and proofreaders is focused on answering unique challenges with responsible and effective solutions. By combining proven editorial know-how, creative collaboration, and extensive resources, we don’t just work on your project, we live it until it exceeds your expectations.

From students to professionals, we thrive on writing materials that will captivate and connect with any audience. We’ll give your project the “voice” it deserves, a clear, consistent presence that conveys your original vision.

Our Editorial experts provide the following services:
  • Educational consultation

  • Content and manuscript development
    including Student Editions, Teacher Editions, Assessments and Ancillary materials

  • State specific test preparation development

  • State customization

  • Correlating educational materials
    to state standards

  • Copyediting

  • Research

  • Fact checking

  • Proofreading

  • Collaboration of multi-author materials

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Educational Consultation​



How to create engaging games, toys, and books for preK and elementary children that focus on math, foundational reading, and social skills.



Utilizing early childhood and Common Core standards, Symmetry consulted and created the content for individualized toys and books that focus on school preparedness and early learning skills. While our client developed the overall design of the product, Symmetry provided the scope and sequence to successfully produce educational content that fit within the overall vision of the client product.

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State Customization​



How to take existing published content and have it meet specific standards and requirements for state adoption.



Utilizing specific state standards, Symmetry can work with an existing program, and revise or add content as needed in order to meet state requirements. Subject matter experts work within the framework of state standards, and rework existing content to ensure successful adoption within a specific state.

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Collaboration of Multi-Author Materials​



How to synthesize multiple authors into ‘one-voice’ for educational content.



We provide the talent and service to take manuscripts from multiple sources and review, revise, and rework content so that it flows seamlessly and carries the same voice and tone throughout the entire text and program.

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State Specific Test Preparation Development​



How to prepare students for their state specific achievement testing.



Utilizing 20 years of test preparation experience, we have developed state standardized test preparation materials for a multitude of states. Symmetry has developed print, online and digital assessments that emulate state standardized testing, and give students the preparation needed for successful test results.

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Challenging Schedule



A client’s last minute publishing plan approval resulted in a multigrade science program targeted to meet adoption requirements for two state versions as well as a national version. All needed to be developed simultaneously and in a compacted schedule and timeframe.



Symmetry rose to the occasion by building a team that prototyped and developed an entire science program for multiple grade levels and multiple state versions within the required time frame. Content included student editions, teacher editions, ancillaries, and online content. Working with Science subject-matter experts from across the country, we were able to assemble a full-service development team for both print and digital, and fully met the challenge of a multi-grade, multi-state, publishing challenge.

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Response to Pandemic (Explosion of Remote Learning)



How to meet the sudden and unexpected needs of remote learning.



Working closely with educational publishers, Symmetry quickly developed video scripts and animation direction to bring print lesson plans to life. The development of short teaching videos allowed students to quickly pivot to remote learning.

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The Ever-Changing Educational Landscape


Adapting educational content to consistently meet the needs of an ever-changing landscape of teaching content.



Symmetry continuously adapts to the needs of the educational publishing market: print products in a variety of formats, online content for digital e-learning, ancillary and assessment development in whatever format is needed, and video content development for remote, onsite and hybrid learning is just a sample of the educational content solutions Symmetry provides.

Symmetry Editorial Services
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